Archive for February, 2004

back to school

This evening I started an evening course in Flash animation – I don’t have the patience to teach myself, so I’ve forked over a couple of hundred quid for 14 weeks training. The class is taken by a nice Colombian gentleman with a very high-pitched voice, and is aimed at students with little or no experience of the software – in fact, it seems to be targeted at people with little or no experience of anything to do with the Internet – at one point we were instructed in the dark art of search engine technology (“This is Google, yes? As you can see, I am now searching for a picture of a cow”).

Anyway, I shouldn’t complain. I learnt how to use the most basic drawing tool, how to import external files into the ‘library’, and by the end of the lesson I’d completed my very first target – a flash button that reacts to mouseover and click. Here it is.

More as the course progresses…


I’ve just been watching the Super Bowl half-time show. Is it just me, or did Justin Timberlake expose one of Janet Jackson’s breasts at the end of their duet? Meanwhile, the third period starts with a naked intruder performing moves from Riverdance on the half-way line before being engulfed by two dozen secuity personel.

It really is the greatest show on Earth…

Update: I wasn’t dreaming.