blogjam rentaquote


Me, from the Independent on Saturday magazine, in a feature where people ‘in the know’ are asked to tip a musical act to succeed in 2004. Oh, how silly I’ll probably look in a year’s time.


  1. Once again Bigfoot and the Groincrushers cruelly ignored.

  2. Nice work Fras…

  3. I keep glancing at that cutout and thinking that you’re recommending Color Me Badd.

  4. having seen the Do Me Bad Thing thing do its thing, my guess is that you won’t be looking silly at all.

  5. No one can foretell the future. I wonder why people even bother to make such lists.

  6. Don’t be silly. Anyone can foretell the future. I hearby foretell that the winner of the Premiership will be Man Yoo or Arsenal. And next season the winner of the Premiership will be Man Yoo or Arsenal. And the season after that it’ll be Man Yoo or Arsenal. (But probably Man Yoo every sodding time). And a horse will win the Grand National. Predicting what we’d like to happen is a different matter entirely.

  7. Precisely.

    I predict that that the next Robbie Williams single, should he choose to release one, will be a hit record.

    Just call me Nostradamus.