blogjam bukkake book

Amazon’s new search engine is very strange, clearly demonstrating (today, at least) that blogjam is over ten times more popular than bukkake. This is very unlikely indeed.

On the plus side, the book search showed me something about myself I wasn’t aware of; me quoted several times in an academic tome on UK culture, a volume which “brings together a mixture of practitioners and scholars to think about the production of culture in an industrialized context.” Blimey. I had no idea it existed, and don’t remember being interviewed. Nonetheless, I’ve added it to my wishlist, so if anyone wants to save me seventeen quid and help remind me what it was I said and when I said it, please feel free.

1 Comment

  1. Found your site via the guardian…very nice, very nice indeed…do wish lists actually work?

    If so could you get 70’s wrestler Tony headbanger Walsh to pay me for writing his autobiography Minding my Own Business?
