
Bollocks to this, I’m off back to London. Tremendous weekend in Cornwall, the main highlight being Bevstock, a mini festival organised to celebrate a friend’s fortieth birthday. Highlights included the delivery of 100 pasties, sharing Lithuanian moonshine with The Aphex Twin’s sister, delicious scrumpy (’tis Cornish) and a live performance from the county’s best bluegrass troupe, Kissin’ Cousins. I’m very pleased to report that no evidence remains of my moments onstage with the band, singing ‘Sylvia’s Mother’ by Dr Hook and (rather less embarrassingly) playing maracas on a never-ending version of ‘Will the Circle be Unbroken’. Lush.


  1. Great party!
    I want be there!

  2. Bevstock looks fantastic! Kissing Cousins look like a proper band and everything. Happy birthday Bev if you’re reading this!

  3. i love Dr Hook. Did you know that it was Shel Silverstein who wrote the song? You know? The guy who wrote all those kids’ poetry books – Where The Sidewalk Ends, etc? Hooray!

  4. Does bevstock also have a good supply of beer? :D