W R I T T E N   I N   T H E   S T Y L E
O F   A   "W E B L O G ",
B L O G J A M   T A K E S   A
S L I G H T L Y   Q U I R K Y
L O O K   A T   A   V A R I E T Y
O F   I N T E R N E T
D E S T I N A T I O N S   W I T H   A
V I E W   T O   P R O V I D I N G   A
S M A L L   D E G R E E   O F
E N T E R T A I N M E N T   T O   A N
E V E R -D W I N D L I N G
N U M B E R   O F   V I S I T O R S .


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For those who don't know (and you should), McSweeney's is the site edited by David Eggers, author of the aptly titled "Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius". Now everyone can feel a little bit closer to Dave using crummy.com's McSweenifier, designed to "make your writing look better than it is." But does it work? You be the judge.

I think that tonight I will go out and get drunk. And who knows? I may meet the woman of my dreams, the sort of woman who would probably benefit from these.

I expect that this is the last thing the poor Cumbrian farmers need. Our nation is in turmoil, the countryside may never recover, we're an international laughing stock, and the best we can do is come up with is Shockwave animation games mocking the entire chain of events? Cool. (via Dave).

The power of email. At the weekend I received an SOS to a mailing list I'm on, a desperate plea for a copy of Genghis Blues to be shown in a cinema in Germany. Owning a copy of said film and being a fan of throat singing in general, I answered the plea. And so it came to pass that last night my DVD was shown to an audience in Offenburgh, a town in Southern Germany near the border with France. I hope they enjoyed themselves.

Time for an occaisional cull, and an update of the links section.

Gone! Kitschbitch. Accused of committing the cardinal sin of neglecting to update. Gone! /usr/bin/girl. Gone! kottke. Gone! Plasticbag. For no other reason than they're all superstars and don't need my help. Plus I sent an email to Tom at Plasticbag once, and he never bothered replying.

New! bluishorange, for no other reason than having a splendid and beautiful haircut. New! Pie In The Sky, for no other reason than she wrote me a nice email asking to be linked. Welcome aboard! New! methylsalicylate, for no other reason than a cool design and great taste in music. Jim White! Merle Haggard! I wonder if she likes Johnny Dowd.

Big news, just in: Those devilish types at blogyou! blogyou! blogyou! finally got round to blogging me. I'm very pleased to receive the expected poor review, and delighted that they've drawn my attention (unwittingly) to the fact that blogger has chewed up my archive. If only I could remember how I fixed it last time...

Why couldn't I have been like this as a kid? You build a website in the style of The Drudge Report, and then use it to vent your spleen against your school. Full Story Here.

Also mentioned in dispatches: The Drudge Retort, Grudge Report, Mudge Report, Putz Report and Smudge Report.
