random URL generator

Short on inspiration today, so decided to play around with the random URL generator.

The results in full:
1. For God’s sake, why does it always have to come down to porn?
2. “Mark McKay, The voice of legendary powerhouses KFRC/San Francisco… WRKO/Boston…WAPP/NYC… KMEL/San Francisco… WRQX/DC… KDWB/Minneapolis… and many more… can now be the voice for your station at a fraction of the cost.” Er, sorry Mark…. what cost?
3. Welcome to General Engineering Laboratories‘ web site. Inside you”ll find facts about GEL, one of the largest analytical laboratories in the Southeastern U.S.
4. Hounsfield is the UK’s leading manufacturer of materials testing machines.
5. Some kind of portal with a good URL and crap content.
6. Another crap portal With irritating pop-ups. Lots of ’em.
7. Site under construction.
8. minimal.
9. Noteworthy Network Consulting – Computer solutions for small businesses in Denver.
10. Confusing URL/Actual content situation.

On relection, I really wish I hadn’t bothered. Instead, here’s something quite clever. Read the instructions first…


  1. ????? ?????????? -www.kuschtewskaja.ru
    ???? ????????? ??????
    ???????? ???????? ???????,???????,
    ????????, ??????? ?????

  2. Hi. I found your site very nice. thanks for it! good luck

  3. Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ â Áåëûõ Êàòàëîãàõ 8931 êàòàëîã – 30$
    Ïî âñåì âîïðîñàì ñòó÷àòü â ICQ 374551957

    Registratsija v Belyh Katalogah 8931 katalog – 30$ ICQ 374551957