This has been blogged everywhere, but what the hell. Matt Hooker is hoping to gain a US presidential nomination in 2004, which is fair enough. What might hinder young Matthew somewhat is his other site, which claims that “Nicole Kidman is a Liar who has willfully, maliciously and viciously slandered and wronged me”. I feel that Matt’s fascination with stalking may limit his chances of gaining respect with the US electorate, but I’ve been wrong before…
Speaking as an American, you’re giving the electorate way more credit than they deserve.
We place so much emphasis on television that elections become just so much smoke and mirrors as each candidate tries to redirect our attention away from their faults and the fact that they do nothing but live high on public money.
Which, I suppose, is not too different from their behavior elsewhere. But with only one out of every five or six eligable voters actually voting, the system tends to break down easily. Democracy on this scale simply doesn’t work.
Matt hooker needs to claim down
matt hooker needs to get some medicines, a real job (not one that requires $500,000 investments from its customers), and needs to realize he isn’t that hot or wanted……..and if he gets 5 votes, i’ll eat a worm
What’s the latest on narcissistic aspiring politician/failed rock star Matt Hooker? I haven’t gotten an update in such a long time!