
I really liked Mike’s UK bloggers chart, although it obviously demonstrates the popularity of UK weblogs amongst other webloggers rather than with a wider Internet population, so I came up with an alternative. Blogpop uses a different measuring device, and is flawed in many ways, but I had fun compiling it. There’s a few weblogs I was surprised to see didn’t make it, and suspect a more accurate poll would fall somewhere between the two sets of results.


  1. Fascinating – a very different list altogether. The biggest losers under Blogpop are Lukelog, Plep, Bifurcated Rivets and Natalie Solent, while some of the “non-personal” sites do much better. And B3TA are way out in front – guess that must have a lot to do with its regular links from Popbitch.

    Anyway, I’ve linked it into my Top 40, so people can compare and contrast.

  2. Thanks very much. Of course the biggest reason for b3ta’s success is that it is very much a community, with a team of editors, hundreds of fanatical contributors, and a newsletter than reaches over 30,000 people… it just happens to feature a weblog as well. The sites you mention that suffer do so simply because they share a domain with other sites, and Alexa’s stats don’t take this into account. Lukelog is a puzzle though…

  3. No puzzle about Naked Blog, though. Ranking at 420,707 we sit nicely at #21

    My own fault entirely for loitering on GBlogs with an out of date URL! (Now requested to be changed.)

    Nice list though. Hope you do it again some time soon! (And nice blog also, btw.)

  4. How many people use Alexa? I have never used it before.

    But now I’ve installed it on my machine, and am visiting my own site like mad. Watch my ratings soar! Ha!

  5. Great idea, except… this from the Alexa site: “However, multiple requests on the same day by the same user for the same URL are counted as a single pageview.”
