mind reader rubbish

What’s the score with all this excitement regarding the flash mind reader that was recently sitting proudly atop the Blogdex Charts? For a start, it’s not new. It’s not the first time we’ve seen this. Or even the second. Or the third. Or even… you get the idea. Now the site’s creator has decided to start charging money to let people in on the secret. Well don’t bother – it’s a basic mathematical trick, and the solution is all over the Internet, including on this site in an entry from six months ago.

So send me your money instead.


  1. How much am I thinking of sending?

  2. Thanks for the link. :-)

    I hadn’t seen it before this latest incarnation. It was brought to my attention by people asking me how it works, I imagine that’s due to this one being more appealing to users because of the appearance, style, etc. Hmm.


  3. That’s a nice one, especially with the amount of red herrings that are thrown in, but it’s still pretty obvious how it’s done. It’s not a maths trick this time, it’s a visual con. Hint: try and remember all of the cards diplayed – you’ll figure it out.

  4. The really nice thing about it is that apparently it stumped the entire editorial team of the Daily Mirror. Heh, heh.

    And when you email the creator to say you’ve sussed it you get an email back praising you for your perception!

  5. I think I’m going to be sick.

  6. Yes thanks, I’m feeling a lot perkier now.

  7. I hear that this guy makes around $100 a day in people ‘donating’ to his site to get the answer…

    He must have learned all he knows from Bart Simpson.

  8. I love ‘mind reader rubbish’! its mint! i got my mind read at a carnival and the woman said that i was going to go on a long and hard working journey, turns out she was right! I lost my purse (with the money in for a cab) and had to walk 2 miles home!!