two links

The best of this week’s Internet:

1. Shaun, you pay for your own fucking drugs in future.

2. Recipe of the day.



  1. 1. Couldn’t he just break into a house and nick stuff like a regular druggie?

    2. Shit recipe. Where’s the fucking butter?

  2. The recipe was probably sent by a spaniard. Spanish sandwiches are awful! no butter, no mayonnaise, no nothing! just the ham and the cheese and the bread or whatever the sandwich is made of

  3. What recipe? I got “404: Page not found – we’re very sorry but the recipe you have requested is no longer available or may have been moved”.
    Who is Shaun?
    Who is Eric?
    Who is 11220?
    Who is McPattie?
    What’s going on here?

  4. Why do people think sandwiches absolutely must have butter or mayonnaise? Who thought that up, anyway? Do sandwiches need to be greased, like axles? Will they squeak if they’re not?

    Why butter or mayonnaise and not goose dripping, or olive oil, or hogs’ lard, for greasing squeaky sandwiches?

    What do butter and mayonnaise have in common, besides being greasy? They are both French!! Have we yet another example of French culinary tyranny here? Wouldn’t a ham and cheese sandwich be much better with good English mustard ?

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