old threads

Today I’m starting a new series on blogjam, “When Old Posts Go Nuts”. This occasional feature will concentrate on old entries that, instead of dropping off the radar altogether, seem to have covered themselves in some kind of magic google dust, attracting a steady stream of largely inappropriate traffic well past the point where the original post has any relevance to anyone.

Part One: Nigerian Football Agent Confusion.


  1. Excellent! We ought to invite them over and challenge them to a game down the park – jumpers for goalposts, next goal wins.

    Enduring image, there.

  2. allo, I am the sexxxy twenyysometheeeng year old, my spell is bad, but I have beeg rack ov lamb and am looking fur agent to help me acheev my dream. Please to help me with my good love in the UK.

  3. Seriously, you could respond to all those guys in the affirmative triggering your meteoric rise to Premiership Chairman megabucks a lá Malcolm Glazer… if you can afford to pay for all their airline tickets…

    …and buy a footy stadium…

    …and wait a few hundred seasons while the team works its way up from the Doc Martins regional league…

    …if these guys are actually any good at all…

    …which they’re probably not if their choice of agent thinks blind-emailling blogging websites primarily to do with food is his footballing wonderkid’s road to soccer super stardom….


  4. Cor. Hooray for being the only non-mad comment on that entire post…

  5. Google sends an amazing number of people to my blog when they search with the terms “rasputin’s genitals” or “albeeno”. funny that. Anywho I am a long time reader, first time commenter.

    Have you tried squirrel yet? It’s a shame to let those fuzzy-tailed fricassees go to waste. They are a pretty common BBQ item in the southern USA. They taste best when accompanied by banjos and corn liquor.

  6. Not yet. It’s on a long list of things to try.

    I think my next few experiments will be with offal.

  7. All you need is someone called Clara, and the thread will meander and split off like a rose bush.

  8. I Love you girls


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