History: I Was There

Me, a few hours ago, as the Patriots come from 12 points down to defeat the Giants 38-35 and end the season with a unique 16-0 record. And yes, it’s pretty cold.


  1. does your hat say “redneck” on it?

  2. Errr… yes. I felt it appropriate wear for such an occasion.

  3. Ah, but where were you when Spurs beat Reading 6-4?

  4. that picture has made me laugh out loud three times now – thanks Frase…

  5. fraser, long time reader, first time commenting….

    I am in awe of your globe hoping! You come to the US to see a sport that is scoffed at by the rest of the world? I am impressed you appriciate the finer things in life. ;)

    Go Colts!