
Please join me in wishing myself a very happy birthday.


  1. happy birthday.

    how old is old?

  2. I’m going to be 40 this year. We’re not old. We’re….better. Or something like that.

  3. Yes, I like that. Or perhaps “superior”.

  4. Ofcourse I’ll join you: happy b-day Fraser. 36 is a splendid age, I guess. I’m going on 32 so I’m looking forward to being 36 myself. (or something like that heh)

  5. Happy birthday from someone who will be 38 at the end of this month. [Surely some mistake?]

  6. 38? You don’t look a day over 17…

  7. Happy bidet mr jam..

  8. You too?
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yay for Fraser!

  9. Aging beats the alternative! Sorry to be late with the well-wishing. Love your blog, Fraser…thanks for all the effort you put into amusing us.

  10. Happy Birthday Fraz, + owe you a fiver from when you were down last week. Will post it.

    Kev+Lou+Oscar+ Connie


  11. d’oh!
    too late.
    happy unbirfday, my dear fraseri?o.

  12. Happy Birthday from tomsk and Dr. Phil Kitten from b3ta!
    We have had lots of fun following your blog links from the front page, cheers!

  13. happy birthday,
    it’s great fun reading your weblog.
    i’m 41 now and getting better all the time…

    well, i found this log searching the web for “embarrassing”, not for s-e-x. bit unusual for a german?

    have a great time

  14. sorry for forgetting…..happy birthday fraser!!!

  15. Feliz cumplea?os Fraser, or shall I say: Se?or Fraser??? ;)
    I have to tell you I haven’t write you because I’m a little bit embarrased because i forgot a backpack in M?xico with something in it for you… I haven’t got the courage to tell you…’cos you’re so nice.
    Anyway, a friend is bringin it in two weeks :)
    you’ll get your music…

  16. Woo! Thanks Claudia. Mexican hip hop, here I come…

  17. Happy Birthday, it’s my birthday today (8th)

  18. Merry belated Birthday Sir, rock on!