1. but who will feed the snails?

  2. Have heard the name Swearing at Motorists before, but that’s as much as I know about them, so would be interested to hear more upon your return. Also about Simple Kid, as I used to work with one of them, and may do again soon.

    Enjoy the traditional Sunday shoot-out, won’t you?

  3. Wow i was not aware of wyld west theme park within driving distance.
    I hope you didn’t piss off anyone who looked like Yul Brynner.

  4. Fraser, did you see psychedelic folk medievalists Circulus?

  5. Hope you didn’t get rained on too much…it was hammering it down in Devon!

  6. All quiet on the Fraser front. Maybe he ran off with the Circulus.

    Or perhaps he’s just hung over.